The Exchange - public conversations

We organise and host public conversations about the important issues of our age. We encourage debate and the sharing of opinions and experiences in a welcoming and respectful environment.

It is our belief that through the ongoing exchange of ideas we can achieve a greater knowledge and understanding, and that this benefits both the individual and society as a whole.

Recent comments from audience members at our events:

“I really appreciated hearing different points of view being expressed. Everyone listened to what others had to say, even if they disagreed with them. That doesn’t seem to happen very often these days.”

“The event was stimulating, and really enjoyable. Thank you.”

“A really interesting discussion. More please!”


The Athenaeum
The Exchange events take place at The Athenaeum in the heart of Liverpool. It was founded in 1797 to provide a meeting place where ideas and information could be exchanged in pleasant surroundings. Early Proprietors (members) played a major part in the national movement to abolish slavery, and several Nobel Laureates have been Proprietors. The Exchange continues this long tradition of debate and enquiry in the twenty first century.

Audience members at our events are welcome to book dinner in the Athenaeum Dining Room after the event, or to have a drink in the News Room. Further details are given with your ticket purchase.


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